Enrolment options

This is an introductory mini course for MATLAB on Alliance clusters, with the focus on Parallel Computing Toolbox (PCT) and MATLAB Compiler and Runtime libraries (MCR).

We will talk about the current status of MATLAB, license issues, and job files on the clusters, followed by the approach of parallel computing with PCT including parfor for parallel for loop, and spmd for parallel tasks, etc., and the procedure to use MCR with examples. Some screenshots will be used in the slides to show the step-by-step approaches. The second session will be a lab type with demos, self practice, Q&A, etc..

The goal of this course is to run MATLAB more efficiently on the clusters.

Live online classes will take place on Mon. Jan. 15 and Wed. Jan. 17 from 1pm to 2pm Eastern Time. Recordings of live sessions will be available afterwards for self-paced learning.

Access is restricted to Digital Research Alliance of Canada (formerly Compute Canada) authenticated users only: Yes
Self enrolment (Participant)
Self enrolment (Participant)