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A cluster is a set of computers that inter-operate and function as a single computer system. Normally when one refers to a cluster, one is referring to a compute cluster as opposed to a cluster of computers that is being used to operate a cloud.

Graham is a compute cluster located at the University of Waterloo in Ontario and is one of the national systems. Its login nodes can be accessed via SSH by connecting to Its Globus endpoint is computecanada#graham-dtn. See for more information.

NOTE: Depending on context, "graham" might be intended to refer to Graham Cloud.


ACENET is a consortium of post-secondary institutions in Atlantic Canada serving the computationally intense and large scale data research needs of its researchers. ACENET is a regional partner of the Digital Research Alliance of Canada. URL:


Westgrid is a former regional consortium that has evolved in to two separate organizations: BC DRI Group and Prairies DRI Group

BC DRI Group

BC DRI Group is a consortium of institutions in British Columbia serving the advanced research computing needs of researchers at its partners' and members' institutions and is also a regional partner of the Digital Research Alliance of Canada. BC DRI Group was formerly part of Westgrid.

Prairies DRI Group

Prairies DRI Group is a consortium of institutions in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba serving the advanced research computing needs of researchers at its partners' and members' institutions and is also a regional partner of the Digital Research Alliance of Canada. The Prairies DRI Group was formerly part of Westgrid.

digital research infrastructure

Digital research infrastructure is a collection of tools, services, and hardware that allows researchers to help realize their digital research aims (e.g., compute, storage, cloud, etc.). It is comprised of research data management (RDM), research software (RS), and advanced research computing (ARC). Link:

Calcul Québec

Calcul Québec (CQ) is a consortium of Québec universities brought together by the Advanced Research Computing needs of the research community needs of its members. CQ is a regional partner with the Digital Research Alliance of Canada. URL:

Compute Ontario

Compute Ontario is a federation of consortia in Ontario serving the Advanced Research Computing and big data needs of researchers. CO is a regional partner of the Digital Research Alliance of Canada. URL:

Compute Canada Federation

Compute Canada Federation was superceded by the Digital Research Alliance of Canada. The Compute Canada Federation (CCF) was a national entity representing at the federal level its regional partners' and members' Canadian researchers to enable and support their world-class research using Advanced Research Computing strategies. CCF is comprised of these provincial-level organizations: ACENET, Calcul Québec, Compute Ontario, and WestGrid.

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