samedi 18 mai 2024, 19:39
Site: SHARCNET Advanced Research Computing Training
Cours: SHARCNET Advanced Research Computing Training (SHARCNET Training)
Glossaire: Names, Terms, and Acronyms

data transfer node

A data transfer node (DTN) is a special node that Compute Canada has exposed to the Internet in order to enable the transfer of large amounts of data. Transferring data using login nodes can trigger limits that will prevent the successful transfer of large amounts data. Data transfer nodes are configured differently so large amounts of data can be transferred successfully. Every cluster typically has at least one data transfer node.

Digital Research Alliance of Canada

The Digital Research Alliance of Canada is a national entity representing at the federal level its regional partners' and members' Canadian researchers to enable and support their world-class research involving RDM, RS, and ARC needs. It is comprised of these provincial-level organizations: ACENET, Calcul Québec, Compute Ontario, Prairies DRI Group, and the BC DRI Group. The Digital Research Alliance of Canada was formerly Compute Canada Federation. URL:

digital research infrastructure

Digital research infrastructure is a collection of tools, services, and hardware that allows researchers to help realize their digital research aims (e.g., compute, storage, cloud, etc.). It is comprised of research data management (RDM), research software (RS), and advanced research computing (ARC). Link: