Friday, 24 January 2025, 10:59 AM
Site: SHARCNET Advanced Research Computing Training
Course: SHARCNET Advanced Research Computing Training (SHARCNET Training)
Glossary: Names, Terms, and Acronyms


ACENET is a consortium of post-secondary institutions in Atlantic Canada serving the computationally intense and large scale data research needs of its researchers. ACENET is a regional partner of the Digital Research Alliance of Canada. URL:

Advanced Computing

Advanced computing utilizes high-performance computing, scientific visualization, data analysis, data science, storage, and/or cloud systems to perform computations.

Advanced Research Computing

Advanced research computing (ARC) includes (but is not limited to) high performance computing, advanced computing, artificial intelligence, big data, visualization, storage, software, portals, and platforms involved with research at Canadian academic and research institutes.

Arbutus Cloud

Arbutus is a cloud managed by BC DRI Group, located at the University of Victoria, and is a national system. See for more information.