Friday, 3 May 2024, 1:35 AM
Site: SHARCNET Advanced Research Computing Training
Course: SHARCNET Advanced Research Computing Training (SHARCNET Training)
Glossary: Names, Terms, and Acronyms

Advanced Research Computing

Advanced research computing (ARC) includes (but is not limited to) high performance computing, advanced computing, artificial intelligence, big data, visualization, storage, software, portals, and platforms involved with research at Canadian academic and research institutes.


HPC4Health is a consortium supporting Advanced Research Computing whose members include Ontario hospitals and health research institutions. HPC4Health is a partner of Compute Ontario. URL:


SciNet is supports Advanced Research Computing research in partnership with Compute Ontario, the University of Toronto, and others. URL:

Centre for Advanced Computing

The Centre for Advanced Computing supports Advanced Computing Research in partnership with Compute Ontario and Queen's University. URL:

Graham Cloud

Graham Cloud is a cloud managed by SHARCNET, located at the University of Waterloo, and is a national system. See for more information.

Advanced Computing

Advanced computing utilizes high-performance computing, scientific visualization, data analysis, data science, storage, and/or cloud systems to perform computations.

High-Performance Computing

High-performance computing (HPC) involves using supercomputers, which have specialized computing and networking hardware, to be able to achieve high levels of performance relative to conventional computers.

Shared Hierarchical Academic Research Computing Network

SHARCNET is a consortium of 20 (as of 2020-04) Ontario institutions providing Advanced Computing Research support in partnership with Compute Canada, Compute Ontario, and others. URL:

compute cluster

A compute cluster is a set of computers that inter-operate and function as a single computer system. Programs are executed on compute clusters using scheduling software. Computer clusters typically have high speed interconnections between all computers within the cluster to allow them to communicate with high bandwidth and low latency. The latter is typically very important when single jobs need to make use of more than one compute node.

compute node

A compute node is a computer in a compute cluster.