Tuesday, 14 May 2024, 10:57 PM
Site: SHARCNET Advanced Research Computing Training
Course: SHARCNET Advanced Research Computing Training (SHARCNET Training)
Glossary: Names, Terms, and Acronyms

Research Software

Research software is part of DRI that helps enable researchers to access and use data.



SciNet is supports Advanced Research Computing research in partnership with Compute Ontario, the University of Toronto, and others. URL: https://www.scinethpc.ca/

Shared Hierarchical Academic Research Computing Network

SHARCNET is a consortium of 20 (as of 2020-04) Ontario institutions providing Advanced Computing Research support in partnership with Compute Canada, Compute Ontario, and others. URL: https://www.sharcnet.ca/


Westgrid is a former regional consortium that has evolved in to two separate organizations: BC DRI Group and Prairies DRI Group