Connexion à SHARCNET Advanced Research Computing Training
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NOTE 1: Do NOT use your email address to login: you must use your CCDB username and password to log in.
NOTE 2: If your Digital Research Alliance of Canada (Alliance for short; formerly Compute Canada) account has just been approved or reactivated, you need to wait an hour before this site will permit you to log in.
Log in with your Digital Research Alliance of Canada (Alliance for short; formerly Compute Canada) account credentials. If you don't have an Alliance account and you are a faculty member or someone directly involved with research being supervised by a faculty member at a Canadian academic research institution, see this page for instructions on how to apply for an Alliance account. If you've forgotten your password or if your account has lapsed and needs to be reactivated, then visit https://ccdb.computecanada.ca/ to address such.
If you've any questions, issues or requests, submit a ticket by sending an email to support@tech.alliancecan.ca with the details and say this is for "SHARCNET Training" so the ticket is properly assigned.